Thursday, March 12, 2015

Q: A New Beginning -- Day Two

13th Day of the First Rule of Wind, NM 01:

I cannot sleep. I toss, I turn, I try, but nothing helps. I simply have too much on my mind. Where are Sarenna and the rest of our friends? What am I going to do with this lot of mortals who have volunteered to help with this restoration project? What will happen if I tell them that I don't know when--or whether-they will ever go home?

Blast it all to hell! Just thinking of that makes my stomach turn to knots. I didn't lie to these people, exactly. They knew there was a risk. It's the fact that there appears to be danger I didn't know about which is upsetting me most. But the day must go on. What is on the agenda...

If I'm up I may as well do something. Practicing a little Military Strategy out to knock me back out. Again: where are you, Sarenna?! I can think of much better ways to deal with my insomnia, but they won't work without you here.

All right, let's try this again... One, two, three... Zzz...

Who is this prick and how did he end up eating my breakfast?

Now this guy gets it. As a Gravedigger, he serves me father. So yes, he should bow to me. Manners! How refreshing! I wonder what he wants...

A church? Hmm... I'm not sure how I feel about that. On on hand, connection with the Weave is useful. On the other, Zynedia has been down that path before and it did not bode well. This is a matter I will have to give very careful consideration...

Well this has been one hell of an afternoon. The hunt went well--I came away with two cuts of Prime Venison. If anyone tries to eat that I'll cut off their fingers myself.

My further wanderings into the forest didn't quite go as planned. I stumbled across a bear and my sword technique wasn't up to par. It appears I have forgotten how much more aggressive the wildlife of Zynedia can be than their OtherWorld counterparts. And I have the wounds to prove it.

If anyone tells Sarena about this I'll send them to the stocks and throw eggs at them until they choke!

At least New Haven doesn't have a newspaper. I could picture it now: "An UnBEARable defeat: Kesyl Veradayne Mauled By Wild Animal". There's some publicity I don't need!

I'm bandaged from eyeballs to ankles and this arse wants me to take care of some village bully? This has to be a joke...

This is the "bully"...? Today really isn't working out for me. I don't have evidence to back up any of the accusations against her. Still... Can I afford to risk letting this pass? I can tell that something happened here. Better her hide than mine...

Hmm... Now she feels the same way I've felt all day. Wonderful!

I'll have to keep an eye on this guy. He's a bit too keen on swinging that sword around. Regardless of bad manners, she is unarmed and he is annoying me.

Cheer up, lady. At least you're not getting used as dinner for the pit monster. You didn't get mauled by a bear this afternoon, either. It could be much, much worse.

Okay. That's just uncalled for. Sneezy Guard and I are going to have a chat this evening... Weave preserve me I hope Sarenna doesn't see this!

Well, now we know where the phrase "getting egg on one's face" originated... I hate this, but I have to do it. If I don't support my own rulings I'll look weak. Why does egging someone bother me more than executing people? Probably because I'm damn certain someone is guilty before they die?

Okay, the "lesson" is done. It's time this poor woman was released. Jayden and I really have to talk about this whole medieval punishments system he feels we should use the next time I see him. I'm not entirely certain this sits right with me. I'm pretty sure if Sarenna had seen this I'd be sleeping on the floor for at least a week. Or by myself. Either one is undesirable.

Now this is much more like it. Music, dancing... But what I really need is food. I hope I can find out what these guests want fast. I want to cook some dinner, maybe take a bath...

Red hair, good dancer, nice dress... Could it be?

No. How disappointing. But I need to start befriending some of these people so they will want to remain here at the castle full time. If I play my cards right, Lady Selby might become New Haven's newest housegust.

And here is a long standing Zynedian tradition I'm pretty sure Sarenna will hate. Seriously, Sara. I'm only trying to make an alliance with Selby as a Trader. I swear!

A hot meal and a good night's sleep. If I can get some decent rest, I should be more than ready for whatever tomorrow might bring...

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